Customer Gallery
Here are photos of some of my customers. I find it really hard to narrow it down to one photo of each pet!

Such a beautiful cat who was always up for chasing toys. She may not have been sure about me, but if there was movement, she forgot I was there.

Phoebe's favourite part of my visits was dinner time. She wasn't too sure about me.

Bran was wary of me until he realised he liked my toys. He followed me around but at a safe distance.

Peggy was easy going and loved to play.

Odin reminded me of a fluffy cloud. A happy, cuddly fluff ball. It was love at first sight for both of us.

Smudgie kept me on my toes as she didn't want to use her litter tray. Some cats don't go very often and I find that very weird. Fortunately she was happy otherwise.

Such a sweet little Syrian hamster. He didn't appreciate me checking in on him as it was too early.

Milo loved to play. He did make me laugh killing his coconut tree activity toy.

Hank was very nervous to start off with. He melted my heart when he decided I was safe and came running to meet me.

He only wanted me to supply cuddles, treats and fresh cat nip. How could I say no to this face?

Holly and Molly
I don't often see kittens and these two were little bundles of joy and happiness.

This little bunny loved a cuddle and could often be found on me. Usually my shoulder.

Smokey surprised me by being so brave and outgoing from the very first visit. He even played! Quite a contrast to when I met him on the introductory visit.

I was surprised to find Mavis was very friendly and inquisitive on the first visit! She knew I was there to feed her.

Benny and Isabelle
These two loved a run around. We were very lucky they didn't find any yummy cables to eat.

Possum often went walkabout so I was very pleased when she got used to me and came when I called.

Misty loved to chase a fishing rod toy. Breakfast was her favourite though!

Such a sweet little girl who loved cuddles and play.

Jaspar was only interested in food at the beginning. But after a few visits, he did play.

Luna would climb up onto my leg so she could get closer for cuddles.