Customer Gallery
Here are photos of some of my customers. I find it really hard to narrow it down to one photo of each pet!

Ozzy was an older gentleman who took a couple of days to warm up to me. But when he did, oh my, it was worth the wait. Tuna was his weakness and he moved quickly to get to it.

Jessie was the alpha female cat in the house. She let her feelings be known.

Bob wanted to be outside a lot. But when he was in, he loved a cuddle.

A very small, shy male but he loved a fuss if he was settled.

Blue was a gentle giant who spent a lot of time in the living room. He wasn’t sure of me at first but soon got used to me popping over to give him attention.

An older gentleman who preferred his own space on the sunny window seat. He did like his warm spot. One of nine cats in the house!

How much fluff? Lots! What a beautiful tail. Cleo loved to have company – she wanted fun and interaction. She did make me laugh as played so much.

What a lovely rabbit! She was unusual in the fact that she didn’t mind being picked up and loved human company. She was happy to sit on a knee for a cuddle as well. Lottie was litter tray trained and did every single wee in the tray.

Kora was a lovely little old lady. All she wanted was a cuddle. I was rewarded with dribble purrs. She did work out the puzzle feeder for treats but couldn't be bothered to do it for her dried food.

Mango was a sweetie. Happy to be held once picked up. I did find that I talked to him like he was a cat which made me laugh. He now knows he is a beautiful boy as well as being good for eating his dinner.

This little girl was frightened of me at the introductory meeting. However, she was so outgoing and brave when I visited. She made me laugh as she loved to play.

Another giant rabbit came for a holiday! Luna was the boss and very adventurous. She always came running to me when I went in the room. She gave lots of kisses too.

This little girl was surprised when I went in the first time. But only briefly. She was instantly interested in all toys and having fun.

Lola was shy at first but after the first visit she was happy for a fuss and a play. Such a sweetie.

Milly wasn’t sure about me at all… unless I shook the treat pot. Then she was instantly by my side. I was able to build on this and she did play a little.

Molly was suspicious of me on the first visit but she soon purred. She did like a little fuss and was happy to play. I had to take the worm toy away as she thought it was yummy. (Always watch your cats with new toys.)

Another cat that loved company and play. She was such a sweetie.

Such a sweet little girl who wasn’t phased that I was someone new. I spent a long time looking under sofas for the toys. She’d had lots of fun.

Peggy was a bundle of love and happiness. She liked a cuddle and a fuss, then would play. Nope, she wouldn’t sit still for a decent photo.

Nora made me laugh. She was all shy and hid under the sofa until she heard the food pouches. Then she came out and was my best friend. I caught on quickly and wiggled the pouch after I’d said hello to Peggy.