Here are photos of some of my customers. I find it really hard to narrow it down to one photo of each pet!
Hubble was a loveable character! He followed me to do his litter tray then jumped up to help me wash his bowls. He had lots of fun playing and was very energetic.
This little girl was so affectionate. She followed me everywhere and loved to play games. Such lovely company! I even made her porridge one morning as her owners usually shared their breakfast. She wasn't fussed on my cooking.
This little puss decided to hide on my first visit. Could I find him? Hmm.. Took 45 minutes until I found him down the side of a wardrobe. The next visit, he was at the door to meet me. He overcame his shyness quickly.
These two were shyer than their two brothers, but were inquisitive and enjoyed a fuss. I would love to have moved in with these cats, as all four got on well and were a joy to care for.
OMG such a cuddle cat. As soon as I walked in, he just wanted to sit on me. He did have a wild playful side which was so funny to see. He would take a fishing rod toy, throw it in the air and run off with it; with the other 3 cats following.
Dennis was such a softy and loved a fuss. Being blind didn't stop him having fun. He always knew when it was food time.
Our first ever naked guest! Gus was so friendly and would come running to us. Loved his food and ate a lot of fresh veg.
Sometimes the simple toys are best. Kitty liked anything that moved. Paper straws can be thrown around easily.
Who doesn't love a box? Belle was such a playful little girl and would pounce from her box. So much fun!
I had a couple of days house sitting Pippa and her feline friends. This was a booking from before I had my pandemic survival job so couldn't let the owner down. She did make me giggle as she bounded up and down the stairs with her tail wagging.a
Kohl was more outgoing than his brother. Both were inquisitive and were more than happy to be held.
This little fella came for a holiday with his brother. Both were friendly and enjoyed their food. As expected, they moved too fast for a decent photo.
Jack was adorable (as well as the other three rabbits). I have a thing for Netherlands and think he would have fitted in my pocket to come home. Jack was so sweet and gentle, but brave. All four rabbits were outgoing.
Max was a very curious bunny. He loved to see what I was up to and thumped his feet if I didn’t feed his fast enough. He wanted to come out and play every time.
These are two of the softest rabbits I’ve ever stroked! I visited the four rabbits at the owners house twice a day. Lots of cleaning out and feeding. After the first visit, these two were less timid and came to see what I was doing.
These two lovely ratties stayed for four nights. They were a big hit with the family as were so friendly and inquisitive. (They moved too quickly for a decent photo.)
It was a delight to visit Maggie again and to meet her kittens. One was a Scottish Fold cross and had the cutest little face. All three loved cuddles and playing. Even better, I house sat so I got to see them for longer.
Jeff had been adopted by his owner after she’d seen him cruelly treated near her house. He had such a lovely nature and loved chasing a ribbon.
I loved this little old lady. At 18, she was deaf but she met me at the front door and purred. As she had several small meals a day I was happy to set up automatic feeders for her. I was pleased she had eaten!
Toby was a shy little man but after a couple of visits, he trusted me enough to become friendly. At first he would sit outside the cat flap until he heard the cat food, then he’d came running in.