Customer Gallery
Here are photos of some of my customers. I find it really hard to narrow it down to one photo of each pet!

Shhh… I know Ollie isn’t a cat but his brother and sister are. Ollie is older and can’t manage long car journeys, so I stayed with him for a couple of days. He was well behaved and mainly needed doors opening and feeding. Perhaps he is a cat after all.

Finally, our first ferret stayed! Snowdrop was such a pleasure to have. I’d forgotten how often litter trays/corners needed to be changed out. She brought back many happy memories of our ferrets.

Tofu was a typical shy guinea pig. She felt safe with her mum and sister but was always behind them. She was cheeky and would snatch food out of their mouths.

Panko was always interested in fresh food. She came out at the first sign of humans to check if there was a snack.

Mochi was the mum to the other two. Wherever she went, the other two would follow. Always in the same order with Tofu at the back. Mochi liked humans and I was so surprised how brave she was.

Bear had the best name ever – he did look like a mini bear. He was happy to have company and came out when he could hear us talking.

Spook was the bravest of the three ratties. He always came to the front of his cage when the door was opened. Spook loved his food too.

This little boy was quite shy in comparison to his brothers. He enjoyed running out on the floor but didn’t want to go back in. Not even for food.

We loved having these three rats to stay. Bonestorm was very inquisitive and loved his food.

Lola’s owner said that she preferred a fuss on her own terms. Lola liked her space which I can understand. However, she loved playing and was happy to come to me to steal a mouse or fluffy worm. On the second visit, she was happy for me to walk past her o

Charlie was a big friendly giant. On the first visit he was wary of me and I fount it hard not being able to use treats to win him over. By the second visit, he was very happy with me and even followed me to check his litter tray.

This little cat loved a cuddle when I arrived. The only toy she was interested in was a paper straw. By the end of the visit, she was rather keen for her food. I think she could hear me thinking about opening her treat packet!

Aslan sniffed at the toys I’d taken but preferred to have a fuss. A tickle under the chin would start him purring.

Fudge was a picky eater for a couple of visits and I couldn’t believe that he wouldn’t always eat his posh food. He was a happy cat and was interested in what I was doing. (He came to watch me do litter trays.)

Ebano was a chilled out cat. He was happy to play and come out in the garden while I watered the plants. He didn’t even chase the wildlife, preferring all his toys.

It was hard to get any no blurry photos of Varnish as she loved to headbutt. She didn’t want to play at all – just wanted cuddles and food.

Luca was a gentle giant… Until it came to furry mice and fluffy worms. He would hear me playing with his sister and come from outside to join in.

This older lady surprised me by loving to hunt furry mice. She loved a good cuddle too. Boo and her brother Luca were so affectionate and gentle with each other it was gorgeous to see.

This little boy showed his happiness by purring and dribbling loudly. He was always so pleased to see me, jumping up to headbutt my hand. However, I think it was because he knew I could open the cat food for him. He would humour me and play first though.

Carlos was a lot shyer than his cage mate. But he was happy to be picked up and cuddled. Both were so cute!