Wirral Cat Community
I wanted to bring the Wirral Cat Community together so have set up a new Facebook group called 'Wirral Cat Mews'. Read this article to find out more and

I want to bring the Wirral Cat Community together and have a cohesive support and communication network. This blog has been in the pipeline for some time, as has the idea.
There are lots of Wirral animal groups but not one specifically for just cats. I have set up a new Facebook group called 'Wirral Cat Mews'. This is exclusively for cats (no dogs allowed as there are Wirral dog groups already).
What is Wirral Cats Mews
Wirral Cats Mews is a group is for all things cat related, but for particularly lost or missing cats. Recently, on my Wirral Whiskers page I posted about a cat that was lost from Rock Ferry. He was found sometime later in Spital! So far there has been lost cat posts, funnies but also news about a local chip and snip scheme.
Hopefully it will be a group where people can ask questions, get advice and have some humour if they are feline funny. ;) For myself, I see a lot of great cat related things but it's not always appropriate for my Wirral Whiskers Facebook page. Also I don't want to spam people.
The group won't be a place for my sales spam either! Or anyone else's sales adverts.
In line with Facebook rules, animals are not to be sold or given away. However, rescue posts are welcome (as they will do home check etc).
As with my business Facebook page, animal welfare will be a high priority such as adopt don't shop. Also, if your pet is ill, I always advise seeing a vet not asking for advice from non-veterinary people. Obviously, advice and support would be offered in the interim.
Also, at the moment the cat legislation is different to dogs. Campaigners are trying to raise the standards for cats. Unfortunately, this seems to have been moved down the governments priorities due to Covid and Brexit.
Where to find Wirral Cats Mews
The link is Wirral Cats Mews
Wirral Cat Rescues
While I was creating the group, I decided that it would be handy to have a list of local rescues that have cats that need re-homing. This is because I often get asked of where people can find new pets. I'm pleased that I have helped two people get new cats during lock down as well as pointed other people in the right direction.
Originally, I was only going to include Wirral rescues, but I have expanded it to include Liverpool ones as well. Sometimes the areas overlap or they may have a pet that is suitable for your situation. Also, if you have lost your cat, it is worth contacting them to see if they have found it.
Please find the file with the local rescues here: Merseyside Animal Rescues If you know of any other resccues that have been missed off the list, please let me know.

Any questions or if you have got further thoughts, please get in touch.
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