Wirral Whiskers is 3
Another year, lots of pets cared for, fed and cuddled! I will celebrate my third birthday with cake and cats.
I'm pleased to say that it is Wirral Whiskers official 3rd birthday this week.
Each year does feel like a massive achievement on so many levels. For a start, I'm a very shy person and find doing social media / advertising very difficult as well as meeting new people. Plus with the pandemic, everything was strange. Who knew I had it in me to be brave?
Thank You!
First of all I would like to say thank you to all my customers. Whether you use my service once a year or once a month, I really appreciate it. I love becoming part of your family. Your pet is spoken about at our teatime - what they've been up to and how they are doing. Sometimes it does get confusing when an owner has the same name as someone else's pet.
Thank you so much for leaving reviews. It means so much and is a great help.
I would also like to say thank you to everyone who has supported me. I am very grateful for people sharing my social media posts and for recommending me to friends.
My Family
My husband, Ben is a great help. He gets involved with the pets that we have to stay - mainly taking photos and putting up pens. Most importantly, if I'm out early he hands me a coffee as I'm leaving. If I'm away house sitting, he prepares me a dinner to take. (Also, he makes sure the kiddies are happy and fed while I'm gone.) Ben doesn't like it when I'm house sitting as it means he has to do our cats litter trays. He did comment one time, that the washing fairy doesn't come when I'm away.
Also a massive thank you to Ben for setting up my webpage!
My daughter gets very involved with the animals we have to stay. She wants to keep them all! I often find her chatting with them. When I say goodnight to my daughter, she checks that I've remembered to feed the visitors (even though I wouldn't forget). She has recently learnt to feed our cats - she wasn't keen on the cat food but has got used to it. It's fantastic to have a little helper who is interested.
It's great when we get other pets to stay as it makes my son smile. We don't often have rabbits or guinea pigs, but he does pop in to say hello.
When I get home, I always get asked about who I've been to see and what antics they've been up to.
Business Update

In November 2020 I had to get a full time pandemic survival job. In December last year I was able to change to a local part time job. This has been great as I have had more time to spend with the family and my own pets.
Having the part time job has given me security, as even now cancellations happen. It feels strange being so laid back, and just going with the flow when I am very organised and like to plan in advance. I've learnt to be more relaxed since I've not been able to control world events.
This meant I have been able to focus on cats and small furries.
Once the Jubilee weekend is over, I hope to have some time to write more blogs. I've got lots of notes written down, but putting them into a readable order takes some time.
I've had the pleasure of looking after lots of cats, a few dogs, rabbits, chickens, rats, hamsters, gerbils, reptiles and a snake. No ferrets yet sadly. The picture below shows all the names of all the pets I've visited or had stay at my house. I'm very surprised I've only had one 'Fluffy'. Some unfortunately have passed away now which is very sad.
I love hearing updates from owners, especially when they get new pets. Most recently we had a naked guinea pig stay, and then a short time later I got an update photo with his new brother. I'm awaiting the pitter patter of 'tiny' giant rabbit feet too.
A while back I house sat for a pregnant cat. The owners were very kind in letting me visit them. I've not seen new kittens in about 30 years and I'd forgotten how amazing it is. I did get broody but wanted the whole family.