Wirral Whiskers in 2021
Sorry it has been a while since my last blog! Wirral Whiskers 2021 is about the last couple of months with my new job, Circus Cat Crafts, my pets and of course, Wirral Whiskers pets. As with everyone else, I will have to see what 2021 brings. I aim to continue cat sitting and looking after small animals. (I'm not giving up on my dream!)
Happy New Year!
What a whirlwind year so far. This time last week, I was still on my Christmas holiday break.
Christmas Holiday

The lead up to Christmas was very busy. Most of my spare time was spent making and sewing for the craft fair at Liverpool Make. It had been exhausting starting a new job, making crafts and continuing to promote Wirral Whiskers. Plus someone has to help Father Christmas out!
In November and early December, I had a daily cat visit to help a lady poop scoop the litter trays as she had broken her wrist. Her cats were lovely! They were a bit nervous at the beginning as not used to other people but they soon got used to me popping in. In the end, all of them loved cuddles and a fuss, but the eldest loved to sniff my face.
I broke up for Christmas from my day job on the 23rd December. This was a very welcome break. It was quite intense starting a new job as lots to learn. My first day off was spent tidying up the house. This was quite a task as it all needed a good sort out. The biggest thing was tidying up all my craft stuff – from both the craft fair and my work in progress from before.
Usually over the festive period, we usually go out a lot to events and see Christmas lights… This year we enjoyed spending time at home with the cats and mice. The pets brought us so much happiness and fun. Just watching them and their activities, gave us a lot of interesting things to see. Although, Bean made it a challenge – any food was fair game to him. Even bringing food shopping in, he was trying to bite the food through the bags and he did run off with a loaf of bread. One of my social media posts this week was a photograph of where he had eaten through a carboard box to get to the mince pies! Fortunately I found him in time and rescued my treats.
Christmas Cat Tree
Somehow, we didn’t get round to getting a Christmas tree this year. We couldn’t make up our minds on what sort to get. Normally we have a real tree but with the kittens, it didn’t seem like a good idea. We’d looked at pretend trees; I rather liked a metal frame one but both kids really didn’t. All of a sudden, Christmas had crept up on us and we didn’t have a tree.
On Christmas eve, we ended up putting presents under the cat tree. This gave everyone a giggle and the cats appreciated the extra boulders to climb and investigate.
Christmas Day

Christmas day was a bit different this year. (Obviously.) Usually we are popping round to lots of relatives. The Sunday before we’d met my husbands family in their garden at a distance. Lots of yummy hot chocolate and mince pies. Was nice to see them as it had been a while!
On Christmas day we saw my husbands other family. More yummy hot chocolate and treats.
We didn’t even see all the family, due to not wanting to spread the virus. Plus some relatives were too far away. The kids broke up on the Friday before Christmas and even though they were in bubbles, they were still mixing with others so it felt risky to meet even in gardens.
It is our family tradition to have Christmas dinner in the evening. Nothing better than nut roast! It is my favourite meal. However, both kiddies had filled themselves up with chocolate so weren’t very hungry.
New Year’s Eve
As usual, we spent New Eve at home. We woke the kiddies up just before midnight so they could watch the fireworks. They were too tired so stayed in their beds and we described what was going on in the street and the fireworks to them.
Wirral Whiskers over Christmas

Well, after a few bookings and booking alterations, there were lots of cancellations. I continued to visit my three cats every other day. Then I looked after two cats and some chickens.
Both sets of pets were lovely and it made my day to see them. Each cat has such a unique personality. One of the cats was quite cheeky and would swipe my leg for food before he had even said hello or that I knew he was there. Even the chickens were pleased to see me. I loved that the cats followed me around. I felt like their prey when I was in the chicken pen tying up food etc and the cats were prowling around. Occasionally, they would swipe at me through the bars.
January 2021
Last Monday I went back to work in my day job. I’ve been there a couple of months now so am settling in still. After the break, I was keen to get back into it. It was nice to leave the house and see other people. My boss and I had a chat about how things could work if we went in to lockdown. (We didn’t realise how close we were to it happening at that point.)
Obviously, the news on Monday night meant the way of life was up in the air again. At least I knew what would happen with my day job. At the end of Tuesday, I packed up my computer etc and brought it all home.
I rang my cat sitting visit lady as I didn’t think with the national lockdown it was wise to continue visiting. Fortunately, after a couple of months, she was on the mend.
Working from home has been an adjustment for all of us and now we have got a routine. My favourite part has been dropping mince pies off at break time on everyone's desk. Brings such a smile to each face. I’m getting low on mince pies now so I don’t think this will be going on for much longer.
This weekend is the first time I’ve had two complete days off since October. I’ve enjoyed reading a book I got for Christmas, cuddles with the pets, chatting with the family, watching a film, going for walks and seeing all the vegan food and ice cream in Lidl.
Wirral Whiskers for 2021
I will have to see what this year brings. At the moment, I am hopeful that people will stay inside so as not to spread the virus. (Then I am hoping everyone can go on holiday so I can look after their pets.)
As to anything else, I will have to wait and see what happens. Personally, I will only be going out for walks and when I have too. It is likely that the kiddies will go back to school after the February half term. Obviously, this isn’t definite, as changes happen overnight.
Please keep safe and well.
Wishing you good health and happiness. Livi xx
Any questions or if you have got further thoughts, please get in touch.
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