Hello Autumn
I can’t believe it is November already. It doesn’t feel as though we have had a summer. Fortunately this year, lots of people have been able to go away on summer holidays.
Hello Autumn
I can’t believe it is November already. It doesn’t feel as though we have had a summer. Fortunately this year, lots of people have been able to go away on summer holidays. Yay! We also had a lot of little furry animals come for a holiday. Mainly rabbits and guinea pigs this summer.
As it has been a while since I last wrote a blog, I thought I’d just give you all an update on my time off in October. Usually I have time off between bookings but not this summer; so I booked a few days off. It was nice to have a break from computer stuff.
Day out in Liverpool

My husband and I had a lovely day out in Liverpool. We went to the library, Fact, Bluecoat Gallery and the World Museum.
We had gone to see the bees exhibition but in the end we didn’t get round to it. We got distracted by the option to have a behind the scenes tour of the World Museum aquarium. Definitely would recommend this! It was so much fun and very interesting. When the children were little we used to go so much so it was nice to see the other side. We also learnt about the animals and saw some that were in their retirement homes in the back.
Highly recommend the library cafe for the choice of vegan cakes! Treacle tart slice was amazing. Ben had the apple and blackberry crumble slice which looked nice too.
We had a walk around some of the shops as I'd not been in ages. I love Lush. Ben doesn't so he waited outside for me. Made me chuckle.
Cat’s Dental Day Trip
Bean had recently had his vaccination and check up where they said he needed dental work. I thought this was an ideal opportunity to book Bean and Daisy-Bear into the vets as I could get them there for their drop off and be around for when I could collect them. It was very strange not having them around during the day.
They both felt very sorry for themselves when we brought them home. Bean bounced back the next day but Daisy-Bear took a bit longer. When they went back for their check up Daisy had to have some more antibiotics.
Ben was able to take them for their second check up this week and all was well. Both back to normal which I was pleased about.
Our Pets
Well our pets have been busy... After having African pygmy frogs for a couple of years, tadpoles appeared. Fortunately we have only seen about 6. We’ve had such a lovely experience watching them develop and grow. Most look like frogs now and have tiny tails but a couple are more tadpole like.
We have two tanks of African pygmy dormice which had a good clean out. Also, fixed in hooks so I can easily assemble their ropes and climbing materials easily. They didn’t appreciate being cleaned out.
House Things
Being a mum, I had lots to tidy around the house and sort out. As I often go away house sitting, it’s great to have the time to clear out cupboards and spring clean.
I did a job I’d been meaning to do for ages – sort out all my cat visit bags, toys, cleaning materials etc. Plus get the bags ready for the half term visits and house sitting. It felt so much better to have things tidied in the correct place rather than a mountain of items.
Plus I even got to do some fun things like reading my book and doing some lino printing. Bean ‘helped’ with everything so it took longer than expected. Plus with more clean up needed.
2025 Bookings
In previous years due to Covid, I had time off here and there. This year was completely different as no Covid restrictions. Next year I’ve booked a few days off so I can have a break.
Booking being taken for the future as usual - some cats have booked in as far as November next year!